It is difficult to say the only one treasure for me. I have a lot of very important objects. Basically, I'm no good at throwing something. I mean, I always ends up keeping an object when I think this is needed or not. I feel that everything has a lot of memories. I know that I do not need that any more but I feel as if I will need it some day. That never happen, though. My sister says to me "you can keep your memory in your heart. That is enough." I know it is true but I can not, for the life of me, throw that away.
But if I have to say the only one treasure, it is the letter from my friend. I might have to say my old friend. I do not know where he is now and what he is doing now. He was my friend when I was an elementary school student. I feel that we always quarreled. But it was fun for me. After we went to junior high school, we hardly talked each other. I do not know that reason, though. And then we went to different high school. Since then, I have never met him.
The letter he gave me is not written about special things. It is written about just normal things. I can say he wrote very silly things. The reason why that letter is very important for me is not the text of that letter. It is because that is very important memory. You might say "Memory, again!?" But this memory is very special for me. He might be my first love if I think of it now. I still have the letter from him in my wallet. I might can not meet him again but I won't forget him.
I think that we have some things we can get only in our childhood. We experience a lot of things at the first time in the life in our childhood. Of caurse, We can not go back to childhood. The memories in our childhood are very special because we can not feel things which we felt when we were children.
I got troubled a lot and have a lot of bad memories and of caurse, a lot of good memories too. Including those, I do not want to forget all of memories in my childhood.