
Online learning - advantages and disadvantages

I have never tried the online learning, so I don't know what it is exactly. But I think it is just the way to learn something with Internet.
The advantages for it is that we don't need to go to the school for learning something. We can learn that anywhere if we have computer which is connected to Internet. It is good for people who can not go out easily. There are a lot of people who need someone help to go out. The online learning helps them learn something a lot.
And the online learning is also good for people who is very busy. When we are busy, we feel that it's like a waste that we even have to take time to go to somewhere. They can save their time with online learning. One of my friends used to use the online learning for learning English. That is the program by the English school which she went to. She could use that program anytime in all day at home. All she had to do was just turning on her computer.
On the other hand, if they use online learning, it will decrease contact with people. They might meet people with computer but they won't talk to people face to face. I heard that the number of people who become a stay-at-home is recently increasing in Japan. They, of course, don't go to school. And they will choose to learn things with computer. They don't like to get out of their rooms and meet anyone. They even find friends with online network. But I think if they use a computer for learning things, they don't need to get out of their rooms. It means that they will become to have no chances to meet people more.
I think that it's very important to meet people and talk to people face to face. Of course, it's possible to talk to people and see their faces with computer. But we can not know their true feeling with it. I feel that the more popular the machines like computer become, the more difficult the communication between people is. Some of people can be in communication with people only with computer. I think that the online learning is very convenient. But we have to use that well.

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