
Shold baseball be televised?

Should baseball be televised? My answer for this question is yes, of course. I like to watch a baseball game but I can't go to a baseball field to watch a game so many times. I know that It is much more fun and exciting to watch a live baseball game in the field than watching a game on TV. I have been to a baseball field a few times. When I went there first, I did not know about baseball at all. Even so, I had got very excited under the influence of the excited people around me. I could enjoy myself very much. But it is difficult to go and watch a baseball game every time for most of people. Of course, it does cost money to go and watch games. And the people of today are very busy because of their jobs and schools and so on. They don't have time to go to a field and enjoy a game. That's why, most of people don't go to a baseball field and like to watch games on TV. People also can watch a game which is playing in a faraway field from their places if the game is televised.
However, some of people don't like it that baseball is televised. Actually I can understand their feeling well. In Japan, it often happens that the baseball game is extended and the broadcast for the game is also extended. At the result, some of shows start late and sometimes they are even carried over to next week. I, myself, have been disappointed many times that I couldn't watch my favorite shows although I was looking forward that. At the case like that, I have thought that the baseball game need not be televised.
But, basically I think that baseball games should be televised. I mean that for not only baseball, every sports games should be televised. It is very fun to watch sports. But as mentioned above, it's sometimes very difficult to go and watch a live sports game.
Some sports might be boring for some people. And if we have a big tournament or something for sports, we will can't watch many shows. That might be disagreeable for some people. Even so, I'm sure that watching a sports game will benefit people's lives.

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